Posted by: andrewrainey | February 3, 2022

A Childhood Dream…


For as long as I’ve been a fan I’ve dreamed of watching the Bengals make a playoff run to the Super Bowl and being there in person when they win it. I’ve joked for years about mortgaging the house, going in as much debt as needed to go. Well after a 31 year drought that time is now!

I knew Super Bowl tickets would be expensive. I certainly didn’t expect to spend $250 and see a Super Bowl, but I’ll be honest, I had no idea they would be $5,000 before all the taxes and fees. It saddens me and upsets me that the average fan, the fans that support them throughout the year(s) can’t afford to go the most important game of the year. Instead it’s basically reserved for the those that simply go because it’s arguably the biggest game in sports each year. They go because it’s the place to be. They go because, well they can afford to go.

Ever since I was 13 (read more about that here) a game and a team turned into a passion. I’ll admit, that passion at times has probably been unhealthy, but a passion nonetheless. Over 33 years I’ve followed and my obsession for them has grown. I’ve taken more than my share of criticism for loving the Bengals so much. I’ve often said “you can’t help who you fall in love with.” I believe that is true and this is certainly an example of it. But, what a time to love them!

The last several weeks will be weeks I’ll remember fondly. Bengals fans from the past have come back to the bandwagon in unprecedented fashion. People who mocked me for loving them, now are rooting for them. The city of Cincinnati has gone Bengals crazy, so much so it’s difficult to find Bengals apparel anywhere.

As I reflect on the 33 years of my fandom, I’d hate to know how many hours I’ve invested watching games, reading articles, watching videos, losing sleep (seriously) and the sheer mental energy I’ve spent on the Bengals. Not to mention all the frustration and anger I’ve allowed a football game to inflict on me. Over the years when I wasn’t able to watch the Bengals on TV when they were playing I’ve gone to tremendous lengths to make sure I had no idea what was or what did happen so that I could watch it as though it was live. I’ve had a very high percentage of success!

I do remember one Christmas Eve when we play the Denver Broncos and we had friends over. We never turned on the tv, I turned off my phone and when they left I began putting together Christmas gifts for the kids and began to watch the game. It was a close game and we tied it at the end of the 4th quarter, or so I thought. We missed the extra point to tie, we had found yet another way to lose a football game. I was so upset that I had the thought “screw Christmas and these gifts.” I was upset, angry and to be honest I really could have cared less about putting the rest of those gifts together. All over a football game.

I’ve prayed I wouldn’t care as much. I’ve tried not to get emotional. I don’t want to be this invested in a game. But I’ve come to the conclusion that I have this passion for a reason. The highs are high and the lows are low. I think there are similarities to life in this. The challenge is to not allow them to swing you too far in either direction. But I also have learned over the years to understand, to appreciate and to take in all the moments along the way. To just sit in the moment, to look around, to allow yourself to feel all the emotion and understand that God put happiness and joy in our lives. I believe we are created to feel things deeply, now does that mean we are to put all of those emotions in a game? Of course not, but it doesn’t mean we can’t or shouldn’t feel them either.

I love the Bengals… I know a lot of people can’t understand or grasp it, but that’s OK. I don’t need you too. It’s my love, not yours. I probably care too much, spend too much time, money and energy on them. I’m OK with it.

I’m also lucky enough to have a wife that understands my passion and love for them. I’m not sure she completely gets it either, but she completely supports it. I think my kids know how much I love them too. I mean after all they often crawl in front of the TV if the Bengals are on so they don’t block my view. I know that is crazy, but I never asked them to do it, they just started doing it. I’m not sure if that says a lot about them or me, lol.

All this brings to be what is about to happen 10 days from this writing… My beloved Bengals are playing in Super Bowl 56. There is so much to be excited about with this team, most notably a lot of people believe we could have multiple chances to compete for a Super Bowl. But if there is one thing I’ve learned in life it’s nothing is guaranteed so we have to take advantage of the opportunities we have. I’m not just talking about the Bengals here, this true in life. When a door is opened that you’ve been waiting for, walk through it! Don’t assume another door is coming.

And here in lies the problem… The door is here. The door is opened. But that door is really, really expensive. Like stupid expensive. I’ve spent less on cars. It’s an amount that if invested could almost double before I retire. An amount that could continue to improve our 60 year old home that we’ve lived in for 22 years. Could help pay for my kids college expenses. Could do so much good for so many deserving organizations. Could be donated to our church to continue the work God is doing.

But it could also be used to fulfill a dream. A dream I’ve had since I was child…

Not all dreams come true and there is no guarantee we will win. But there aren’t any guarantees in life (except one, the love of Jesus, His word, His Spirit and His promises).

So will I go? Doubtful…

Who knows what the next 10 days will bring. There aren’t any plans being made to go see my Bengals win the Super Bowl in person. But, who knows. Maybe I’ll give myself an opportunity to go in the event ticket prices drop to a place that is worth the risk. Maybe I’ll do what I can do.

Although I don’t believe God cares about who wins a football game, I do believe he loves His kids. I do believe He enjoys watching His kids celebrate, just like we like to see our kids do the same. I also understand when the game is over there will be people celebrating and others mourning. I also believe God cares just as much about those mourning as He does about those celebrating. God is close to the brokenhearted.

So, maybe I’ll do what I can do just in case… Just in case God provides an opportunity to purchase a ticket at a “discounted price.” A price that makes sense to our family to fulfill a childhood dream. And if not, well I guess I’ll have to hope that opportunity presents itself again. But even if it doesn’t I’ll enjoy this ride. I’ll take it all in. I’ll let myself feel all the emotions. I’ll cherish the memories I have created and the excitement of the city.

Maybe I’ll get to experience part of the dream. The dream of calling the Cincinnati Bengals Super Bowl Champs!

Then when we drive by Paul Brown Stadium, instead of saying to my kids “there is the home of the future Super Bowl Champs.” I’ll be able to say with pride, excitement with the memories of this year “there IS the home of the Super Bowl Champs.”


  1. […] people who know me, know how much I LOVE the Bengals. I wrote about this last week (you can read it here). Well a lot has happened since then, doors have opened that we have decided to walk through and […]

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